13th edition


December 3rd & 4th, 2024


December 11th& 12th 2024


Collaborative and Licensing Opportunity Presentations – Rules

Application for the “Collaborative and Licensing Opportunity Presentations” is free of charge and open to TTOs, universities, research institutes and companies which have an early-stage asset / technology and are looking for a R&D collaborative project and/or an opportunity to out-license.

Jury & Selection:

  • Applications will be reviewed by a jury of experts according to the following criteria: technological innovation, benefits, economic growth as well as transfer potential.
  • All candidates will be informed if they have been selected or not in due time (approximately one month before the event).
  • Selected candidates will have the opportunity to prepare themselves to be ready for D-day by participating in a warm-up session.
  • Selected candidates will have a 5-minute pitch during the pitch session and will also benefit from advice and feedback from experts.
  • The most promising early-stage technology(ies) will be awarded by the BioFIT jury.


Applications which fail to conform to the Eligibility and/or Terms & Conditions will not be processed.

  • To apply, please note that you must be registered for BioFIT.
  • Only online applications must be processed.
  • Please follow the instructions regarding the word numbers.
  • Applications must be completed in English.
  • Applications must be submitted by September 9th, 2022.
  • By applying, the applicant agrees that certain information may be published on the BioFIT website and/or in the final programme.

Please note that you can save your online application and continue to fill in it later.
A unique link will be shared with you if you “save to continue later”.
The organisers do not have access to this unique link.



We are proud and thankful to benefit from GENFIT’s continued support!

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