Kick-off LEAP-BIO
Home » Kick-off LEAP-BIO
IP Licensing intermediary services for Early Stage assets in Pharma & BIOtech
Wednesday, November 30th, 2022
9.00 am – 11.00 am
About the event
LEAP-BIO Opening Conference will be the opportunity to introduce the participants to the early-stage IP licensing intermediary service for biopharma SMEs and large companies that will be developed and offered, and how to benefit for it.
The Conference will be followed by a discussion around the challenges of IP Licensing of early-stage assets in biopharma and intermediary services existing in Europe and beyond.
Introduction to the COSME LEAP-BIO project
Elena Kostadinova, Legal and Policy Officer, DG GROW | European Commission
“IP issues between pharma and biotechs”
Anton Hutter, Partner, Patent Attorney, Venner Shipley
“Intermediate services in licensing in health industry”
Sanne Brunn Jensen, President & CSO, BioInnovation Institute
“IP Licensing issues for big pharma”
“IP Licensing issues for start-up companies”
Nuno Prego Ramos, CEO, CellmAbs
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LEAP-BIO is a COSME project aiming to address a lack of intermediary services towards IP licensing and exploitation in key-target European regions/countries, such as Portugal, Spain, France, Italy and Wallonian region (Belgium).
The main goal of the project is to leverage the extensive expertise and networks of the consortium to develop an early-stage focused IP licensing intermediary service for biopharma SMEs and start-up companies in the target regions – mainly Portugal, France, and Italy but also Spain and the Wallonian region in Belgium). LEAP-BIO aims at bridging the gap between southern and central and northern European regions in licensing and partnering associated with early-stage assets, driving the growth of the small and medium biopharma companies in such regions and contributing to a more competitive European biopharma industry at a global level.
LEAP-BIO has 4 main priority axes:
This includes:
(i) the mapping and analyse of the tools,
(ii) the identification of the licencing interest in pharma & biotech companies,
(iii) the identification of early assets for licensing in start-ups and SMEs,
(iv) connecting and matchmaking pharma & biotech companies and start-ups and SMEs.
LEAP-BIO partners:
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Alicia Rosati
- Project Manager
- +33 (0) 328 555 011