14th edition


December 2nd & 3rd, 2025


December 8th ,2025


14th edition


December 2nd & 3rd, 2025


December 8th ,2025


We are very honoured to count Evotec among the Sponsors of BioFIT 2020

Many thanks to Evotec for joining BioFIT 2020 as a Bronze Sponsor

Evotec is a drug discovery alliance and development partnership company focused on rapidly progressing innovative product approaches with leading pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies, academics, patient advocacy groups and venture capitalists. Drug discovery solutions are provided in form of fee-for-service work, integrated drug discovery alliances, development partnerships, licensing of innovative drug candidates and consulting arrangements. The Company operates worldwide and has leading scientific experts, state-of-the-art technologies as well as key therapeutic expertise in the areas of neuroscience, diabetes and complications of diabetes, pain and inflammation, oncology, infectious diseases, respiratory diseases and fibrosis. By leveraging this expertise, Evotec intends to develop best-in-class and first-in-class differentiated therapeutics on its systematic, unbiased and comprehensive infrastructure.

Evotec has long-term discovery alliances with partners including Bayer, Boehringer Ingelheim, Celgene, CHDI, Novartis, Novo Nordisk, Pfizer, Sanofi, Takeda, UCB, and others. In addition, the Company has existing development partnerships and product candidates both in clinical and pre-clinical development. These include partnerships with e.g. with Sanofi in the field of diabetes and cancer immunotherapy, with Pfizer in the field of tissue fibrosis, with Bayer in the field of kidney diseases and with Celgene in the areas neurodegenerative diseases and oncology.

Evotec is built on integrated drug discovery know-how of over 20 years and is a leading player in the drug discovery field. The Company’s headquarters are located in Hamburg, Germany. Additional operating sites exist in Abingdon and Manchester, UK, Cologne, Goettingen and Munich, Germany, Verona, Italy, Branford, Princeton, Seattle and Watertown, USA, as well as Lyon and Toulouse, France. Evotec has more than 2,900 employees worldwide.

Join key BioFIT 2020 sponsors such as MSD Animal Health, Evotec and MSD to have the opportunity to:

  • Identify your organisation with the main partnering event in Europe dedicated to tech transfer, academia-industry collaborations, early-stage innovations and seed investment in Life Sciences
  • Highlight your interest in early-stage innovation
  • Present your ideas and technologies to key innovation players in Life Sciences
  • Enhance your visibility on an international scale and be recognised as a key innovative actor
  • Show your expertise thanks to specific communication tools

For more information about the sponsorship opportunities, visit the dedicated site page.



Juliette Vanbastelaere

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